I had such a fun holiday season and don't let my over usage of exclamation points confuse you... I am in my post Christmas funk! As I sit here writing this I see all of my Christmas decorations STILL up in my house. Hey, don't judge...we took down the outside Christmas lights so we aren't THOSE people...but no one knows what's going on inside! The idea of taking these decorations down is just... UGH!!! It's not fun, it makes me sad, and I just don't feel like doing it! So there! That's my maturity shining through!
Just a fun quick look back at the holiday season and then I promise I'll put on my big girl panties and move on:
We went to the Nutcracker Market in November which was such a fun way to start the Christmas season. I'd never been before and while it was overwhelming and definitely had WAY too much estrogen piled in one room, it was so much fun! I went with Kelli, Tricia, Kelli's mom and mom-in-law. I think we decided to make it a tradition!
I love how warm, cozy, and romantic Christmas decorations (esp the tree) make a house look
The diet suffered pretty good over the holidays...aw who am I kidding, my diet suffers year round
My very favorite day of the year is Christmas Eve! Between singing in the Candlelight Services at Sagemont and spending the evening with my favorite people at MeeMaw and PawPaws, it's just the best!!

Oh how I love Christmas morning! I still feel like a kid!
We had such a nice Christmas day lunch with Kev's parents, Jim, and Taylor!
Next it was back to LaLa's house for MORE food, MORE fun, MORE presents, and MORE family time!
I feel like I needed 3 days of sleep to catch up from all of the Christmas fun!!
But the fun wasn't over! We had to have our annual "Southwest Stocking" party! An HBU apartment tradition that will live on forever!
And one week later we had a special fun-filled day with Dad, Michelle, Marc, Chrystal and the girls. So. Much. Fun!

And of course over the holiday season we had to fit in some great workouts to fight all of that pecan pie I'd been eating!
We even got our runs in on COOOOOOOOOLD days!
To ring in the New Year we just did what we do best...PLAYED!
It was a fun packed couple of weeks to say the least...but here we are...back to work, back to the routine...I'm not bitter :)
The original intent of this post was to give a QUICK recap of the Holidays and then announce some exciting news for 2011 (NO I'M NOT PREGNANT, DON'T ASK)! But I am entering a new business venture and you will be seeing more about that very soon (probably more than you want to)! :) If you want to get in the best shape of your life in 2011, keep watching...more to come!