This weekend has been action packed and so much fun, but exhausting! The Crossfit games in California were going on all weekend and if you ever need a picture of a healthy strong body, check out these athletes! I’ve attached a picture below that is actually my screen saver….i thought I’d share it because this picture motivates me every day and, well, so that if you don’t read this blog but just see the pics you may just assume it’s me in the picture...

Ummmm...I wish.
In honor of the games we had to do some killer crossfit this weekend! I decided this was the weekend that I would be able to do a Muscle Up. A muscle up is on the rings and is a pullup followed by a dip. First attempt...
2 questions, what’s up with my face, and where exactly is my BROTHER’S hand? I know I just looked crazy and spastic but I would not let it conquer me, which I am regretting today! I feel like I did a million and found new muscles in my body that I didn't know existed...and every single one of them hurt.

After a ridiculous amount of attempts at this stupid thing and with arms like noodles, it was time to start the actual W.O.D (workout of the day). I LOVE when people get into Crossfit and it becomes a social event!
And then with the little bit of muscle control I had left, I had to "play" a little with some gymnastics!
But here's the usual look of death when you are done with Crossfit...but it's such a rewarding moment to lay there with your heart racing and face pounding and leave that wonderful Crossfit Sweat Angel on the ground! Aaahhh no better feeling!
And don't worry, you don't have to be embarrassed for me...I'm FULLY aware of how barf I look in that picture, but don't really care! I LOVE the dying feeling after a good workout!
We also worked in plenty of fun and play time this weekend too
Anyway, I’m pretty proud because no matter how far away I was or how little sleep I got, I stuck to our Tri Training schedule! Kelli and I were discussing how when you have a race coming up everything is SO different! No excuses, No whining, just (wo)man up and do it!! Now that’s not exactly true, there is PLENTY of whining, but we do it anyway and whichever one of us is more rested or in a better mood that particular day just laughs at the other!
I got to end this hard, exhausting, but FUN weekend by FLOATING THE RIVER which is one of my most FAVORITE things to do!!

That's actually a picture from last year...I haven't gotten my water camera developed from this weekend yet! But all that to just say I LOOOOOOOVE the river! I'm trying to talk my girl Linda Lu into going with me just ONE more time before the summer is over!
Well back to working on Tumbling Stars Fall Schedule…which by the way I have HUGE commitment issues with scheduling…it’s just so permanent! I don’t know yet what I want to do tomorrow, I hate the idea of my schedule being set for months at a time ☺ Welcome to being a big girl Misty!
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