Anyone remember the movie "Sleeping with the Enemy"? Of course I know it well because it has my Julia in it! Do you remember the part where she knows her crazy killer ex husband has been in her house because the towels which were hanging uneven and messy before are now hanging even and neat? Also the kitchen cabinets which looked messy like most of ours probably do, were straightened with the cans in perfect rows.
Well, THAT'S KEVIN!!!!!!!! It's a running joke in our house because he is just a little OCD and I am sooooooo not! It is the most obvious when it comes to the dishwasher. I will load it and he will come right behind me and straighten it up!! So, you'd think I'd learn, and begin doing it correctly...that would be the mature thing to do....but that wouldn't be the funniest way to handle it! :) So what do I do? I DO IT BAD ON PURPOSE to see what he'll do! See? Now isn't that funnier?! So the other day I set him up...ran a little experiment, if you will...
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Creeeeeeeeepy! :)
Now, of course I realize that his way is SO much better, but I have to be honest, I DON'T GIVE A FLIP ABOUT THE BEST WAY TO LOAD A DISHWASHER! But I'll always get that little chill down my spine, and giggle to myself every time I open the dishwasher and see those perfect rows...
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