Well I've actually been taking Karate all summer! I started going just to hang out with Kristen and thought it'd be a good extra workout in my week...but I've really started to enjoy it! I feel super tough and really like learning the self defense portion...I DARE someone to try and steal my purse...and if you have a knife you are in SO much trouble! I'll send that thing flying out of your hands so fast you won't know what hit ya! :)
Next, on to my GREEN BELT! Watch out muggers everywhere...
When I'm not out fighting crime with my ninja-like skills I've been a bit of a Susie Homemaker around here! Well let me clarify, I'm way behind on the laundry, my gardens look awful with dead plants and weeds, and I STILL don't know how to work our iron we got 4 1/2 years ago, but I have been cooking some YUMMY dinners! Look to the right...in my profile...it says that when I find something I like I become obsessed with it...well i loooooove finding recipes and trying new meals right now!
It was a fiesta around here this weekend! On Friday I made Mexican Chicken and Avacado Soup:
It was really healthy and tasted awesome!
Then on Saturday I made a Southwestern Skillet! I put it on top of a baked tortilla, drizzled it with ranch, and added a side of salsa! aaaaahhhhh SO good!
Tonight I broke my mexican food streak and made Bourbon and Maple Pork Tenderloin with a side of garlic and onion sauteed green beans
...oh and lookie-loo what I found at the grocery store today...
mmmmmmmm! Tastes like a Flinstones Push Up!
Soooo, by this point have you gotten the idea that I LOVE FOOD!? :) Well I do and I'm proud of it!
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